Ancestral Lifeways Tribal Gathering

October 20, 21, 22 – Mariposa, CA

Oka ‘Uuchum – meaning “home, that is all,” in Southern Sierra Miwuk.

Join us October 20, 21, 22 for an ancestral skills gathering of hide tanning, archery, wild Indigenous foods, ancestral craft, song and circles.

The Oka ‘Uuchum Ancestral Lifeways Tribal Gathering is nestled in the Sierra Foothills of Mariposa, territory of Southern Sierra Miwuk Nation/Yosemite Paiute and surrounding foothill tribes. Mariposa is the abundant, traditional land of many, many of our ancestors. Around every corner, along every creek bed, local Native community find ancestral sacred sites and grinding rocks where our tribal people lived and have continued to thrive for generations. ‘Uuchum, our home, is lush with seasonal Indigenous wild foods, fresh sierra snowmelt, majestic rivers and ancient ancestral teachings. 

There is limited space available in specialized crafts. RSVP for Community Dinner is required.

Download and print additional information sheet.

Hide Tanning


Bow & Tell

Inter-Tribal Healing Drum

Pinenut Beadmaking

Preparing Weaving Materials w/ Redbud & Sourberry

Ta-Ka-Ta: Clapper Stick Making

Traditional Miwuk & Paiute Songs

Native Plants for Food and Pollinators – Our relatives

Dogbane Twine Making

Stepping Into Our Femme/Feminine Wisdom

Wild Indigenous Foods – Community Dinner & Tastings
w/ music by John Paul Hodge,

Funded By: The Innovations + Intersections (I+I) grant funding is rooted in the California Arts Council’s (CAC) understanding that the arts can provide innovative strategies to respond to society’s most pressing opportunities and concerns. Oka Uuchum is a residency of preservation through practice of Native American ancestral lifeways and cultural arts, priority will be given to applicants who the program is designed to serve, a waitlist is available for interested community members.

Project Developer & Cultural Artist: https://www.nativeone.org/okauuchum

Supported By: https://www.southernsierramiwuknation.org/