Frequently Asked Questions:
What is Oka ‘Uuchum?
Oka ‘Uuchum, meaning “home, that is all”, (Southern Sierra Miwuk) is an ancestral skills tribal gathering centering Southern Sierra Miwuk, Yosemite Paiute and surrounding Indigenous tribal people. Oka ‘Uuchum aims to teach the experience and traditional skills of Indigenous, ancestral cultural practices, craft and lifeways. Oka ‘Uuchum is founded by Tiśina Ta-tillium Parker, an Indigenous community arts activist, traditional Regalia maker, and member of Southern Sierra Miwuk Nation/Yosemite Paiute people born and raised in Mariposa, CA.
When is Oka ‘Uuchum taking place?
The gathering starts on Friday Oct 20th 9am for those enrolled in the 3 day hide tanning class. Archery range and drop-in classes start Saturday Oct 21st and continue through Sunday Oct 22nd. Community Dinner is served 5pm on October 22nd. Sunset Closing, gathering ends 7pm.
Who is invited?
Oka ‘Uuchum centers Southern Sierra Miwuk, Yosemite Paiute and surrounding Indigenous tribal people. Tribal identified people will be given priority class enrollment. This gathering is open to all community members to attend drop in classes, archery range and community dinner. Some culturally specific classes, such as traditional song, are only open to tribal identified people.
Do I need to be Native/Indigenous to attend?
All community members are welcome, however Oka ‘Uuchum is a gathering created to celebrate and center local Indigenous tribal identified people. Mariposa local community members who are not tribally identified are encouraged to attend.There is a waitlist due to limited seating. You will be contacted to confirm your registration. If you are not contacted you are on a waitlist and will be contacted when a spot becomes available.
Are kids welcome?
Yes! We love you! Kids are welcome to attend all classes. Kids under 12 can attend in the company of an adult or family member 18 or older.
Where is Oka ‘Uuchum Located?
Oka ‘Uuchum is located on the Humbug Creek watershed in Bootjack Mariposa foothills. The traditional hunting and gathering homelands of the Southern Sierra Miwuk Nation.
Can you tell me more about the land?
The site of Oka ‘Uuchum is a historical village site of the Southern Sierra Miwuk people of Mariposa. Grinding tables are present in walking distance from Humbug Creek off of Ashworth Road. Tribal members continue to care for this landscape and tend & gather the plants of this parcel that serve as cultural craft and medicine materials.
What can I expect to learn about?
Classes will include traditional brain tanning of buckskin hides, archery, traditional bow making, traditional songs, inter-tribal healing drum, clapper stick making, basketry materials preparation, Indigenous wild foods gathering and preparation, and a variety of traditional, Indigenous skills involved in ancestral craft making and lifeways.
What do I need to bring with me?
If you are planning to stay throughout the day please bring your packed lunch or money to purchase food at a nearby restaurant or store. Bring plenty of water and snacks, a chair or ground cover to sit on, sun hat, layers for warmth, prayer offerings, handmade gifts or song offerings.
Is camping available on site?
Camping is limited to teachers providing instruction. Camping is not available on site for attendees.
What happens if it rains?
Oka ‘Uuchum Ancestral Lifeways Tribal Gathering is intended to be in direct connection to the land, water, sun, rain. Being connected to the living Earth is part of this practice. If there is light rain, the gathering will continue with adjustments where needed. If there is heavy rain, which will hinder community gathering, Oka ‘Uuchum will be postponed till a later date. We will be watching the weather for the week leading up to the gathering and send out notice as the mood of mother nature dictates.
Where will I stay?
If you are coming from out of town and plan to stay for the entire gathering, here are some places we can suggest:
Stay with Friends & Family
Oka ‘Uuchum project is funded & supported by:
Southern Sierra Miwuk Nation, Mariposa County Arts Council, California Arts Council; Intersections & Innovations Grant & the community of Mariposa, CA.
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