Working Lands, Working Artists

Sarah Fitzsimons, “Field Sketches” – 2018, Farm/Art DTour, Fermentation Fest. Reesdburg, WI.

Leveraging Art and Design to Support Sustainable Agriculture Planning in Mariposa County

Mariposa County and the Mariposa Arts Council have been awarded an Our Town grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to work with artists to develop creative placemaking projects and artistic interventions that support the County’s Agriculture and Working Lands Conservation Plan (AWLCP). 

Phase II: Midpines

In WLWA Phase 2, artists Anna Friedland and Abby Miller, and Alex (LX) Lewis have been selected to create public-facing creative placemaking projects connected to timber and forest land in the Midpines County Park. Now, the Arts Council, Planning Department and selected artists are reviewing constructive feedback from the public to help refine initial art project concepts before finalization.

Opportunities to submit feedback were held online Jan. 19 – Feb. 15 and in-person Feb. 1 – 15 at the Mariposa County Library (4978 10th St, Mariposa, CA 95338).

Anna Friedland & Abby Miller | Midpines Park Art Panels

Lx Lewis | Manzanita Sculpture

Project Timeline

Eligibility and Process

Phase I: Coulterville

In WLWA Phase I, artists Jackie Baxton and Erica Wolfsen have been selected to create public-facing creative placemaking projects that interpret and respond to community input collected during the Mariposa County Agricultural and Working Lands Conservation Plan. Both projects are focused on agricultural narratives in Coulterville with completion estimated for Spring/Summer 2024.

Erica Wolfsen | Mural series in Coulterville Park

Jackie Baxton | Horse Bit Sculpture in Coulterville

The Arts Council and the Planning Department are working with regional, social practice artists to develop several creative placemaking projects that interpret, respond to, and engage with agricultural and working landscapes in Mariposa. Selected artists’ proposals are adjudicated and ranked. Artists with high scoring proposals refine their designs with support from the Planning Department, Arts Council, and the public. Each of the proposed projects will have its own public engagement process, including online surveys and in-person events.

This project intentionally responds to these recommendations in the Agricultural and Working Lands Conservation Plan and the Creative Placemaking Strategy.


Contact Ava Burns: